October 9-11, 2014
Newcastle Gateshead (UK)
Beyond the Obvious – from producing things to nurturing social capital
Culture Action Europe Annual Public Conference and General Meeting
What is new?
What is different?
What is challenging?
We have conceived this Conference as an occasion for examining and sharing a variety of perspectives so as to improve and challenge ourselves as a community.
We have designed 7 different formats for speeches and conversations, giving speakers and audience alike an opportunity to learn something new about what is being discussed.
We have put in place hands-on working sessions so that every participant can engage actively in a “laboratory-style” approach in discussing what is crucially needed to move beyond the obvious… starting from now.
Three thought-provoking days
to look beyond the obvious assumptions and beliefs of the cultural sector
to explore the future borders and edges of culture
to leverage human networks and arts so as to actively shape social change
to shift the focus from “producing things” to “nurturing social capital”
to reassess culture’s contribution to social and economic regeneration – locally, nationally, and at the European level
with an unusual rhythm of institutional moments, uncommon dialogues, and laboratory-style working sessions
to stimulate unexpected connections for participants and speakers, and to help generate social capital.